(Long post for my sake so I don't forget when I finally make him a baby book!)
Honestly, I haven't been too concerned with potty training Beckett. Bradley, of course, wants him potty trained before Baby Sister gets here in October but I have always heard to just wait until they show signs they are ready. We bought a baseball potty and put it across from our toilet. He started sitting on it before bath but didn't seem to care or understand what he was doing. Over the last week Beckett has told me more that he wanted to potty but usually just when I was...It's been a little annoying seeing as he wants to be naked when he sits on it and he never does anything in it. HOWEVER, today was different. He told me he wanted to potty and since I was going to change his clothes anyway I let him get naked. I wasn't paying much attentions since nothing ever has happened. He chose to straddle the toilet this particular time and was grunting. I looked down and saw drops! We yelled for Bradley and had a clapping session. So as exciting as that was imagine my surprise when he climbed out of the bathtub tonight and pooped. (Half in the potty and then half on the floor when he started walking around.) I was actually multitasking and talking on the phone so again not paying attention when this all started. (Hmmm...maybe that's why he's doing it!) After we flushed that he used it again to potty! So from zero to three times in one day. I think I figured out he likes the clean up part because I let him help rinse it out but hey if that works!
Could be a month before it happens again but we had cookies tonight to celebrate!!!!

Way to go Beckett! And congrats on baby girl!! I had no idea! :) Glad that a girl is coming!
I love what new moms get so excited about! I feel like tee-tee talk is all that I've had in the past week because I've been potty training ME hard core! 3 times in one day...what an accomplishment! And number 2...wow!
Just wait until you're in a public restroom and he cheers the person in the next stall and then the stranger cheers him on. Strange and exciting experience! :)
Love the potty photos.. wait until he is dating then slide that to the gal. Fun times.
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